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Journal Articles
Treatment of Keratin Waste into Keratin Hydrolysate
Pages: 6-12
Year: Issue:  6

Keyword:  keratinfeathersfleecehydrolysateextractionenzyme;
Abstract: Keratin waste arising mainly from meat-industry processing of poultry represents a great quantity of waste annually which has not been utilised properly.In addition,in the production of hides into leathers and in wool production there is another large quantity of under-utilised keratin waste.Keratin,due to its high proportion of valuable protein,could be used a nutrition in feed.Another high-value added product is soluble keratin hydrolysate that may be processed into biodegradable coatings or packaging,for agricultural films,for encapsulating chemicals,in cosmetics etc.Nevertheless,kertatin contains large amount of disulphide bonds and therefore is insoluble in most common solvents and resistant to proteolytic enzymes.To make keratin soluble,disulphide bonds have to be cleavage.Presented research paper studies the possibilities of extraction keratin from chicken feathers and from fleece to produce soluble keratin hydrolysate.Keratin material was treated through two phase process.In the first phase,the raw keratin material was incubated in water solution of 2-mercaptoethanol and,in the second phase,incubated in the same solution with enzyme at defined conditions(temperature,pH and time).Experiments were designed by 2-level factorial scheme with three experimental factors and with two repetitions in the centre.The percentage of insoluble keratin material was determined gravimetrically.The results are statistically evaluated.
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