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Journal Articles
An Open CNC Based Integrated Measuring, Modeling and Manufacturing System Architecture
Pages: 238-242
Year: Issue:  z2

Keyword:  CNCmeasuringmodelingmanufacturingopen-architecture;
Abstract: A new architecture based on open-architecture CNC of an integrated measuring, modeling and manufacturing system is presented. A 3-axis vertical milling structure is used to achieve the manufacturing function. And a computer vision camera is to be set up on the holder of the milling machine to capture the images of the work-piece and a image data acquisition card is used to translate the image data to the control computer, which acts as the measuring subsystem. Through processing the image data the model of the work-piece is established which plays the role of modeling subsystem. A motion control card is inserted into an industry computer to construct an open CNC system of the type of NC embedded PC which is more sophisticated than other new technologies on open CNC. The embedded motion card burdens the real-time tasks of the system and the IPC does the other management and planning tasks. The IPC together with the motion control card command the three axes of the system to accomplish the manufacturing and measuring functions and further the modeling function.
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