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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Human Calcium-Sensing Receptor and Interleukin-6 Genes are Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Chinese
Pages: 870-880
Year: Issue:  10

Keyword:  associationbone mineral densityCASR geneIL-6 genelinkageQTDT test;
Abstract: Calcium sensing receptor (CASR) is a central factor involved in calcium metabolism. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine that plays an important role in osteoclast differentiation. Thus, both CASR and IL-6 are important in bone and mineral metabolism and are prominent candidate genes for osteoporosis. The study aimed to test association and/or linkage between the CASR and IL-6 genes with bone mineral density (BMD) variation in a Chinese population. A cytosine-adenine (CA)n repeat polymorphism in the CASR gene and the IL-6 gene was genotyped, respectively, in 1 263 subjects from 402 Chinese nuclear families. Employing tests implemented in the program QTDT (quantitative transmission disequilibrium tests), a significant total association of the CASR (CA)12 allele (P=0.006) and (CA)18 allele (P=0.02) with BMD at the femoral neck was found. For the IL-6 gene, significant within-family associations were found between the (CA)14 allele and BMD at the total hip (P=0.021), the femoral neck (P=0.041), and the intertrochanteric region (P=0.029). A significant linkage was also observed between IL-6 CA repeat polymorphism and BMD at the Spine (P=0.001). The results suggest that the CASR gene and the IL-6 gene may have effects on BMD variation in Chinese.
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