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Journal Articles
Effect of Synthesis Conditions on Crystallinity of Nano Titania in Mixture Solvent of Ionic Liquid and Water
Pages: 1679-1684
Year: Issue:  9

Keyword:  titaniaionic liquidcrystallinity;
Abstract: The nanocrystalline TiO2 was prepared in mixture solvent of ionic liquid (1-ethyl-3-methyl -imidazole acetate, EmIm+AcO-) and water by sol-gel low temperature hydrothermal treatment of tetrabutyl titanate. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and Automatic nitrogen adsorption measurement techniques were employed to characterize the final products. The influences of various hydrothermal conditions,such as the amount of ionic liquid, reaction temperature and time, on the crystallinity of titania were investigated.Crystallinity was evaluated by crystallite size. The results showed that the crystallinity of sample prepared in mixture solvent is higher than that of sample from pure water; also, the size and crystallinity of titania particle can be controlled by alteration of the amount of ionic liquid. In addition, in the presence of ionic liquid, highly crystalline titania could be obtained at relatively low temperature and shorter time.
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