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Journal Articles
Semiactive variable stiffness control for parametric vibration of cables
Pages: 215-222
Year: Issue:  2

Keyword:  cablesemiactive controlsemiactive variable stiffness controlparametric vibrationresonancenonlinearity;
Abstract: In this paper, a semiactive variable stiffness (SVS) device is used to decrease cable oscillations caused by parametric excitation, and the equation of motion of the parametric vibration of the cable with this SVS device is presented.The ON/OFF control algorithm is used to operate the SVS control device. The vibration response of the cable with the SVS device is numerically studied for a variety of additional stiffness combinations in both the frequency and time domains and for both parametric and classical resonance vibration conditions. The numerical studies further consider the cable sag effect.From the numerical results, it is shown that the SVS device effectively suppresses the cable resonance vibration response, and as the stiffness of the device increases, the device achieves greater suppression of vibration. Moreover, it was shown that the SVS device increases the critical axial displacement of the excitation under cable parametric vibration conditions.
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